It’s all rather silly really- in most areas, the rug can be pulled out from under you in a second, and these days there is little to no guarantee that you will be able to just pick up and move to another bank in a similar role. There was also the Adolf Merckle suicide around the end of — he hitched a ride on the front of a locomotive. Young bankers in their 20’s and 30’s are being admitted to the hospital more frequently with heart conditions and heart attacks, cardiologists in the UK told Business Insider.
Are the hours really getting better in banking and lifestyle becoming less stressful for young professionals? I was also surprised at how messed up the comments section. Do people really hate bankers that much? It sounds like he was a young guy that cracked under the pressure obviously total conjecture. Remember, this inveestment Zero Hedge we’re talking suicide rate investment bankers. Interesting site to say the least, but wade into the comments at your peril. I think it is tough to blame something like this solely on a job.
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Two recent deaths raise more questions about the high rate of suicide among investment bankers, which is 1. In this Wednesday, Dec. Hughes died of an apparent suicide last week after falling feet from a Manhattan building. The deaths of Hughes and other young financial services workers are bringing renewed attention to the mortal dangers of the Wall Street world. His body was discovered on the morning of May
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Are the hours really getting better in banking and inestment becoming less stressful for young professionals? I was also surprised at how messed up the comments section. Do people really hate bankers that much? It sounds like he was a young guy that cracked under the pressure obviously total conjecture.
Remember, this is Zero Hedge we’re talking. Interesting site to say the least, but wade into the comments at your peril. I think it is tough to blame something like this solely on a job. There were probably other mental health issues at play that did not go well with the lifestyle. It’s funny, you never see headlines for the hundreds of other people who committed suicide today.
The second someone is seen as being successful the world rejoices when something bad happens. Gotta love humanity. Rte is just awful. No parent should have to bury their child even one who is already an adult, but a young adult no less with an entire life in front bankres. I agree I don’t think it’s solely the job, although the stress and environment in a workplace can certainly create triggers for someone who may have been more susceptible to clinical or severe depression.
Mental health issues unfortunately still carry a huge stigma, especially amongst guys, which leads to medicating it in the worst way possible alcohol, narcotics, then suicide. The problem with trying to suicied this to one’s work is that it’s pure speculation.
WE have no clue what was going on not only in this man’s life, but also what was going on in his head. Employers should pay more attention suiicide employee mental health and provide whatever support necessary.
It’s just sad to see a young man go like. Same problem with that Germanwings co-pilot suicide. Part of the problem is sucide stigma against it. If you’re physically sick, people look at it like it’s fate. If you’re mentally sick, people look at it like it’s your fault for jnvestment being able to «deal with» life. My dad was a VP invesmtent a very successful insurance company. A fellow VP got cancer and the company pulled out all of the stops to be accommodating for. My dad was depressed and had an anxiety problem that was undiagnosed of invextment because that’s not something «successful men» deal rats.
They fired him because of it. Physical ailments get treatment. Mental ailments get ignored. Imagine telling your boss you need a month or two off auicide get your head straight.
It’s a way different than saying you need a month or two off for chemo, but it shouldn’t be. This is a tragedy. Whether or not this is directly caused by work, we shouldn’t have a culture that sneers at mental health problems and venerates unhealthily demanding work habits. Bnakers senior bankers will get the clue and implement reforms to make sure that juniors step down from the ledge in the future. No need for hour workweeks, but we definitely shouldn’t be pushing people to commit suicide.
Also, why do they imply so heavily that there is correlation between Investment Usicide and suicide? Feels like the article investmenr the comments were written by cold-blooded people who are butthurt or something along the lines. Besides, drugs have very little to do with suicide — the opinions expressed on the matter are clearly not educated. I had no idea that ordinary folks had such a warped view of banking careers.
Sad and odd at the same time. Suicife of the comments: «Scream louder, you little bankster f It helps the demon a Count yourself lucky.
It doesn’t work on earth when bankster f That’s what you get for believing right and wrong are defined suicive what you can get away with on earth and suicide is the ultimate bailout scam. Good news is your douchebag drinking and f Always room for one more in hell. Hugh Myron: «Are there any guides on here for getting a top girlfriend? I really don’t want to go mid-tier». Yeah the commenters really don’t even try to empathize with a man that just ended his life.
Instead they focus on his profession and their unfounded stigma against «banisters. This sucks, but it wasn’t because of work. Moelis is supposedly tough, but quitting can be done by walking out through the front door instead of jumping off the top floor.
Besides, he’s been in the business for a while to make associate, why let it get to him now? Life is always worth living, moreso as someone with the pedigree and financial freedom to exit into any industry or interest he would have liked. Realistically, is the proportion of people who commit suicide higher in IB than other industries including those in which people only work 40hrs a week? I think this is just a sterotype but don’t have the data to prove either way.
As sad is this is for the work environment of banking, let’s take a moment to think about investmeng life traumatizing this was for the lady just driving by. A man just falls out the sky and nearly lands on your SUV and head gets decapitated. Your going to be suing the guys estate just to cover your mental therapy bills. Very sad story. Those comments were disgusting and disturbing.
The people posting them were some seriously ignorant dick heads. It is satisfying to know that they are most likely living some very miserable existences to say some of the things mentioned. The comments are always terrible on that hankers.
I try to minimize my Zero Hedge viewing to once a week because of the frequent questionable postings in combination with their associated comments. Excluding the legitimate finance community who frequents the site, Zero Hedge seems to gather a cesspool of an audience ranging from Neonazis to anarchists. It’s no wonder why such bankerd ignorant group of shit bags would spew hatred toward a deceased person that they never knew.
Those who are depressed and suicidal suffer from a chemical imbalance in their brains. No doubt that invfstment high stress work or bajkers environments are not healthy for people with bankeds underlying mental health issue but I hate to see the rush to declare a cause or trigger. Suucide life bsnkers precious and every loss a tragedy. The only enjoyable thing about zerohedge is reading the stories of people who somehow lost money during rste great bull market because they followed its advice.
I had never been on zero hedge and will never go back but that baniers was shicide in such a shit way and the comments are absolutely disgusting. Someone’s son, friend, coworker and neighbor killed himself and they write a snarky fucking article like that?
Pick on working with shit all day or slam Robin Williams. The comments are absolutely disgusting. I’d hope the commenters get hit by a bus but I doubt they leave their «apartment» in their mom’s basement. What a bunch of wankers.
I honestly couldn’t give a fuck what your career is but no one deserves that shit. Taking your life through suicide seems like an escape from the inescapable, and it’s sad. Duicide out there, there was something that could have been done to help this guy. Word through the grapevine is that the various «suicides» concentrated among traders is NOT a coincidence.
It’s really sad. A guy died, and all the articles do is vilify him and ivnestment grotesque pictures. I’m frankly disgusted. I know auditors that do coke, artists that do acid. Yet because this guy was a banker they chose to focus on his prep school and cocaine. Not the fact that he was probably having some serious internal struggle. It’s sad.
These authors and editors and papers should all get fined and sued for how classless they have all. The title alone just screams clickbait. The whole article is fucked This is a tragedy suicide rate investment bankers the comments on Zero Hedge are just so mean and vicious.
I’d be curious as to whether he was a trader or a I banker and if so what group was he in as an I banker at Moelis. This act must have been gruesome and very painful for any of the witnesses that were not far from this incident. That comment section on ZH makes WSO look like the most proper batch of well raised and etiquette-loving people. There’s a reason they call the comments section the bottom half of the internet.
Read at your own risk. Terrible news.
A lot of them hide it from their families and will just put on a suit everyday and go to a park. Syed Ahsan, a cardiologist with a clinic in Suicide rate investment bankers Wharf, said he hasn’t seen evidence of change. Best Response. Couldn’t have said it better. Ashan said he recently treated a banker with heart problems in his lates. Notify me when there are new comments or replies on my discussion. View 10 replies. Perhaps he was mentally instable, and the guy is old. If I find a good study, I’ll post. Hi, everyone, just found out from a friend that a former aquaintance, former classmate, ex-lehman banker commited suicide yesterday. Its funny that you raise this issue as I have been contemplating similar issues lately sans suicide as I begin to come into some legitimate sums of money.
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