So, it depends on how much you want to do consulting vs. I’ve known summer interns working at Morgan Stanley who have worked hours a week. A fantastic post. Print as PDF. Replies to: Investment Banking — What am I getting myself into? He also noted that boutiques can shelter younger staffers from some of the more brutal day-to-day aspects of working at a traditional bulge-bracket bank.
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If you’re new here, please click here to get my FREE page investment banking recruiting guide — plus, get weekly updates so that you can break into investment banking. Thanks for visiting! Just like a fraternity, investment banking offers a clear hierarchy, certain rituals you must complete, and benefits and added responsibilities at each level. Investment bankers advise companies on large, corporate-level transactions such as mergers and acquisitions and debt and equity issuances. The role is part advice , part sales and marketing , and part negotiation and deal-making — on a grand scale. For more, please see our articles on mergers and acquisitions , pitch books , how you win deals as a Managing Director , and our investment banking industry overview.
Replies to: Investment Banking — What am I getting myself into?
The world could always use another doctor, but not another stock broker. And I think that the stock broker is undergoing quite a change, as less and less people are finding any need for. Eye doctors use to set up a practice in a town and make great money, but then the optical centers, like ones that are even now in Walmart stores, really cut into the profits of eye doctors.
I think a similar change is occuring with the stock broker profession. I use a discount broker, to just handle the trade, and not give me any advice on trading, which I don’t really need. I study it all myself and get help from fellow traders. But doctors will always be needed and will make a good living. Investment banker pros and cons, you’ll probably get a lot of good stuff inside you if you make a investment banker pros and cons of making people healthier.
I tend to appreciate my doctor much more than anyone who has things to do with my financial activities. Go to the end of your life and ask yourself how you spent it. Did you spend it helping others or making lots of money? I believe that you would like to be able to say that you made a difference in people’s lives for the better.
Stock brokers don’t really focus on that, but it seems that doctors. Having said that, I trade stocks for a living, but I use some spare time in doing volunteer work. So, if you want to get into the stock business, just trade your own stocks, while you heal people. Becoming a physician takes many extra years of training and education beyond college, which has associated direct and opportunity costs ie, the 27 year old banker may earn good money while most 27 year old doctors Physicians can derive great satisfaction from helping patients; I don’t believe most bankers are motivated by greed alonebut clearly the social value of the two careers is quite different.
You don’t have to worry about anything but showing up to work and you will always get a nice paycheck every 2 weeks. The investment banker You are pretty much a salesman. Sure that people here might be investment bankers and they might have done. It sure doesn’t mean that you will as. I am sure that Michael Jordan says that basketball is a great career. It probably isn’t for the most of us. To those who rate me down, how are the stress levels as investment bankers right now?
Has that paycheck declined a little? The smart doctor’s income is not affected at all. While certainly possible as a doctor, rare indeed is the investment banker who works out of a home office! I trade forex and spot futures from my home office, with two others of the same ilk, while remaining in contact with 4 others from Arizona to Spain, to Lebanon. Not that I’m trying to brag, as THIS is what i do, and have done, for many a year and can send you a copy of the brokers statement should you desire!
I handle Investments for a few doctors plus a few other professionals, that Im not at liberty to divulge, so even doctors like to make extra money, it appears! I consider myself «decently competent» dealing in the market, and need no more that that level, although one does gain increasing abilities as one trades over the years.
YOU create your security in the game, and NO ONE can fire you or make a bad day for you, which certainly cant be said for a lot of professions. Be an investment banker. A doctor should be motivated by concern for his patients’ health, not by greed. In the banking industry, you will fit right in.
Doctor: you help others, you contribute to their quality of life, or you simply save lives. You learn constantly in order to better.
Investment banker: you lie convincingly to take advantage of others and make a lot of money for. Stock up on winter home essentials.
Get your last minute gifts! More holiday gift inspiration. Answer Save. Dom Lv 5. How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer. Still have questions? Get your answers by asking .
Similar hierarchies and career paths also exist in buy-side roles such as private equity — in fact, you can take a look at our detailed article on the private equity career path. This happens because banks like to give employees the feeling of advancement and promotion, without necessarily offering them true advancement or a pathway to the top. A fantastic post. Recent Activity Worth it as finance major to go into debt? Going out to clubs is out the window, dating is probably not happening, hell you will only be sleeping hours per night 5. Rarely do Associates get recruited from completely different industries. Please click investment banker pros and cons verification link in your email to activate your newsletter subscription. I want to know what I am getting myself into before I take the plunge, and I hope all of you who have experience in this field can help me. Holding an MBA allows you to become an associate, but you will still work extremely long hours. So you’ll have to struggle in terms of hours to make it. Headhunters will not actively court you in the on-cycle private equity recruiting processas they do for Analysts at large banks, so you need to be far more proactive. Evercore is one of the better-known boutiques and it employs more than 1, people, for example. To become an asset, you need to become a revenue generator for the bank. Would you target different lines of work outside capital markets? Make sure you express an interest during the summer and try to get some internships, and try to contact some alum who will help you get a position. Age Range: Associates come from more diverse backgrounds, so is the safest bet for the age range.
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