October 9, Management is questionable, with only a few that are actually great leaders. This will replace the current featured review for targeted profile. File a Complaint. September 13,
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Together plannihg your IPC Advisor, we are committed to helping you live your dream. This Client Information Booklet describes the important aspects of your relationship with us. Among other information, it explains: how your investment suitability is determined; how IPCIC and your Advisor are compensated for the services provided you; how your account is administered; our responsibilities to you; and your responsibilities as a client. We encourage pkanning to take the time to review the information contained in this booklet and retain it for your records. Sincerely, John G. Your IPCIC Advisor provides financial planning advice and investment planning counsel ottawa relating to your mutual fund investments and certain other investments.
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Together with your IPC Advisor, we are committed to helping you live your dream. This Client Information Booklet describes the nivestment aspects of your relationship with us. Among other information, it explains: how your investment suitability is determined; how IPCIC and your Advisor are compensated for the services provided you; how your account is unvestment our responsibilities to you; and your responsibilities as a client.
We encourage you to take the time to review the information contained in this booklet and retain it for your records. Sincerely, John G.
Your IPCIC Advisor provides financial planning advice and services relating to your mutual fund investments and certain other investments. In addition to providing the basic services required to maintain investmment account, IPCIC will ensure that you are provided with the necessary information to make informed investment decisions.
This includes, keeping your personal information confidential, following written procedures to ensure you receive a proper level of service and ensuring that our activities adhere to the applicable regulatory and compliance rules.
Insurance products and services such as segregated funds, life insurance and life annuities investmeng also available plannijg your IPCIC Advisor if he or she is licensed to sell insurance. Other products and services such as brokerage, mortgage and banking services are available through our affiliated entities or third party service providers. An Advisory relationship means that you are responsible for your investment decisions, but your IPCIC Advisor will provide advice and recommendations that will assist you in making informed investment decisions, thereby, helping you achieve your financial goals.
Based on your investment objectives, risk tolerance and other personal circumstances, your IPCIC Advisor is responsible for ensuring their investment recommendations are suitable for you. Coundel Assessing Suitability section of this booklet further describes how and when investment suitability is determined. Plannnig information will be provided to you using the following reporting methods: Trade Confirmations 1 : after each investment transaction, you will receive a trade confirmation, usually within 10 plaanning days of the transaction.
A trade confirmation provides details of your transaction and will be mailed to you via Canada Post. In the instance of systematic transactions pre-authorized contributions, systematic withdrawal plans. Trade confirmation will not be generated for all subsequent systematic transactions. The details of all subsequent systematic transactions will be included in your Account Statement. Your account statement will summarize the securities held in your account, list all activity over the period and provide a current market value for your holdings as at the end of the reporting period.
Further information about your Personal Financial Website is available through your Advisor or through the IPCIC website: You should review all your transaction trade confirmations and account statements carefully and immediately. Under provincial securities legislation, IPCIC is permitted to sell mutual funds and certain other types of products as described in dounsel section.
A mutual fund is an investment ottzwa that provides a convenient way for individuals to invest their money. The mutual fund uses this money to buy different types of investments cousnel behalf of all of its investors. A portfolio manager makes investment decisions to buy and sell investments such as stocks, bonds or other securities based on the investment objective and investment strategies of the mutual fund, as described in the simplified prospectus of invetsment mutual fund.
When investing in a mutual fund, you purchase units or shares in the fund, where each unit or share represents a share of the total pool. IPCIC Advisors are permitted to sell Guaranteed Investment Certificates, an investment product that offers a fixed rate of interest for a specific term.
Both principal and interest payments are guaranteed. Payments for the purchase of Guaranteed Investment Certificates should be made by cheque payable to the Financial Institution issuing the certificate. Your IPCIC Advisor can help you identify invetsment level of tolerance for investment risk, provide advice on the types and levels of risk associated with investments and explain how a particular investment will affect the diversification strategy of your portfolio.
Together, you and your IPCIC Advisor will develop a financial plan that will: help you set appropriate targets; help you choose the best investment vehicles; and ensure you have the right mix of investmen.
Securities legislation and MFDA rules require that each recommendation your IPCIC Advisor makes investmdnt be suitable for you in relation to your investment objective, risk tolerance and other personal circumstances, often referred to as know-your-client cohnsel.
Factors taken into consideration when assessing the suitability of a recommendation to purchase, sell, exchange any product or service, includes your: personal circumstances such as age, marital status, employment and counsep information; time horizon, which is when you will need to access a significant portion of the money ottzwa financial information, which includes your annual income and net worth.
Net worth is calculated as estimated liquid assets assets that are easily converted to cash without penalties plus fixed assets less estimated liabilities; investment knowledge, which reflects your understanding of investing, investment products and their associated risks. Your Investment knowledge is recorded as either limited, fair, good or sophisticated ; investment objectives, which are your desired results from investing and should relate to the type of jnvestment that will be purchased; and risk tolerance, which is the degree of risk you are willing to assume or can tolerate, taking into consideration your financial ability, time horizon, cash requirement and emotional response to market fluctuations.
New Account Application Form The New Account Application Form ensures your IPCIC Advisor asks the appropriate know-your-client questions and gathers sufficient information to further define your risk tolerance, time horizon and investment objectives as required by regulation.
It is important that you provide a full and accurate description of your personal circumstances, financial situation, investment objectives, time horizon, risk tolerance and net investtment to assist your IPCIC Advisor in meeting your investment goals. You should promptly inform your IPCIC Advisor if there are any changes to this information or ottada your circumstances have ottaws materially and could reasonably result in changes to the types of investments appropriate for you.
Examples of significant life event change are: marital status, changes in retirement plans or a significant reduction in income. If you place an order planninb your IPCIC Advisor has not made a recommendation, Clunsel must also determine and advise you before the trade is executed whether the transaction proposed by plannning is suitable and ihvestment keeping with your investment objectives.
As a caution, you should be aware that circumstances, other than those identified above, such as significant market fluctuations or a material change to an investment, will not automatically trigger a suitability review. Should you have questions or concerns about your investment suitability, you may contact your IPCIC Advisor at any time to discuss your investment portfolio.
If you participate in this Program, please be aware that there investmetn annual fees and other charges associated to the Program that should be considered. Account Fees and Service Charges The following is a current listing of our account plannning and service charges. Other applicable account fees are determined by, and paid to, the trustee of your various registered accounts as are service charges related to the IPCIC Nominee Account s.
If you hold accounts within an IPCIC Self-Directed Plan, you will receive a quarterly statement that reports your holdings and transactions for the period. Accounts plannnig activity will receive a monthly statement.
Referral Arrangements Securities legislation requires an IPCIC Advisor to inform their clients of referral arrangements where they pay or receive referral fees for client referrals. In order to provide products and services that are suitable to meet the financial planning needs of a client, IPCIC has entered into a number of referral arrangements for certain products and services, including, for example, banking services and mortgage products. Referral fees paid under a referral arrangement will vary depending on the product or service purchased pttawa the client.
The referral fee investment planning counsel ottawa change at any time depending on the products and services being offered by IPCIC; generally a referral fee will be either a percentage of account balances, a percentage of revenue generated or a fixed fee. IPCIC is registered as a mutual fund dealer under securities legislation. A written referral arrangement is entered into prior to paying or receiving a referral fee for client referrals, as required under securities legislation.
IPCIC Advisors are required to address any conflict of interest by exercising responsible business judgment, in the best interest of their client. IPCIC Advisors are encouraged to bring any conflict ;lanning interest to the attention of their clients as soon as they become aware of them, as invesstment.
A written disclosure, including information about the calculation of the referral fees and any identified conflict of interest, will be provided to you before you open an account or before any service is provided to you by the person or company receiving the referral. Mutual Fund Inveetment Expenses Generally, all mutual funds have management expenses. These expenses are deducted from the fund and you are not billed directly.
The management fee pays for such things as the mutual fund company s investment management, marketing and administrative invsstment. Each fund also otawa its own operating costs such as brokerage fees on securities trading, audit fees and unit holder communications.
Management fees and operating costs are charged whether the value of the mutual fund goes up or. The fund reports the management fee and operating costs it pays each year as a management expense ratio MERwhich is expressed as a percentage of your total investment.
These costs are deducted before the fund s performance returns are calculated. The primary business of IPCIC is to provide services to clients through the sale and distribution of mutual funds. IPCIC Advisors receive compensation in one or more of the following forms: a sales commission at the time of the initial sale of the securities; an annual trailing commission payable monthly, based on the average monthly value of certain assets of the clients they service that are invested in mutual funds purchased under the deferred sales charge option; an additional annual trailing commission payable annually, based on the value of certain assets of the clients they service that are invested in mutual funds purchased under the deferred sales charge option that are no longer subject to a deferred sales charge.
If the securities of the mutual funds are sold under a no-load option no front-end sales charge and no deferred sales chargeIPCIC Advisors receive compensation in one or more of the following forms by: an annual trailing commission payable monthly based on the value of certain assets of the clients they service that are invested in mutual funds purchased under the no-load option; an additional annual trailing commission an asset retention commission pplanning monthly, based on the value of certain assets of the clients they service that are invested in mutual funds purchased under the no-load option.
This fee is generally charged to you on a monthly basis and is often paid through the incestment of fund units in your account. This fee is an alternative to the above noted commission charges and permits the purchase planningg mutual fund classes that have a lower management expense ratio.
Important Information We are authorized ciunsel sell only the products described in the Products and Services section of this booklet; we are not responsible for any other type of business that you may conduct with your IPCIC Advisor.
Your IPCIC Advisor is required to tell you which company he or she is representing for each product offered and, as such, you may be dealing with more than one company depending on the product or service provided. If you have any questions on how these may apply to you, please contact us. A material change would be a change to any information that could reasonably result in changes to the types of investments appropriate for you, such as income level, investment objectives, risk tolerance, time horizon or net worth.
Other examples of a material change may include employment status, marital status or changes to your retirement plans. Should your require any additional information, other than what your IPCIC Advisor is able to provide, please contact our Advisor Services Department by telephone ingestment or by at 7. Putnam Investments Inc. Investors Group Financial Services Inc.
PanAgora Asset Management Inc. Investment Management Ltd. Related Registrants invsetment include other dealers and advisers that become subsidiaries of Power Financial Corporation. Bellus Health Inc. Pargesa Planniny S. Imerys S. Lafarge S. GP Strategies Corp. Hudson Global Inc. Great-West Lifeco Inc. Investors Group Trust Co. Mortgage Broker Services provided by Invis Inc.
Relationship Disclosure This Relationship Disclosure document contains information designed to help you better understand the nature of innvestment account services provided to you by Harbourfront Wealth Management. At TD Wealth we are committed to helping our clients meet their financial. This information folder is not an insurance contract. Ibvestment information invedtment. This booklet is designed to help you understand segregated fund contracts and to become a more informed investor.
Key facts: Segregated fund contracts are available only through life insurance companies. Commission and Fees Schedule Effective Investent 6, As a client of CIBC Investor s Edge, you have agreed to pay certain charges based on the types of investments you buy, sell and hold in planningg account. Investment funds information folder Great-West Life investment plans Investment funds information folder October This document is not an insurance contract.
This information folder is not an insurance. Commission and Fees Schedule Effective January 1, As a client of CIBC Investor s Edge, you have agreed to pay certain charges based on the types of investments you buy, sell and hold in your account. Start early and invest regularly Do your homework take the time to become an informed investor Develop an investment strategy you are comfortable.
Social Housing Investment Funds Investment Account Application Before you send us your investment account application, please ensure you have: Attached a completed Resolution of Directors form Section.
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