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Real estate investment opportunities in ontario

real estate investment opportunities in ontario

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Canadian Real Estate Investing Beginners, Let’s Look At This More Closely…

real estate investment opportunities in ontario
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For complaints, use another form. Study lib. Upload document Create flashcards. Documents Last activity. Flashcards Last activity. Add to Add to collection s Add to saved. Addison The ontarlo hereby grants to M. Signature of — However, due to a seemingly opportunitiew embargo and recent toughening of sanctions imposed by the US, including the signing of the controversial Helms-Burton Law, many would be investors are being held at bay.

This and other events have created opportunities for nations such as Canada, and those within the European Community and Latin America to test the water before what many believe will be a tidal wave of participants following the inevitable normalization of relations between the US and Cuba.

Recently adopted, and proposed, political and economic reforms within Cuba have made significant inroads in attracting foreign. It appears these reforms offer new opportunities to western participants who are considering real estate joint ventures. The feasibility of these opportunities will be explored through an analysis of real estate development versus the inevitable constraints imposed by a steep learning curve described by Dr.

Raul Brito Salvador, Director of Negotiation for the Gran Caribe Hotel Group and Joint Professor of Commercial Law estqte the University of Havana, in his attestation that the real estate industry is a very recent discovery in Cuba, and which they are now learning and trying to develop at the same time. Through research conducted to date, feedback has ivestment me to conclude that the Republic of Cuba has a limited real estate professional capacity.

This impression has been formed through discussions with authorities on foreign investment in Cuba including: Cuban policy-makers, officials of Cuban companies, ministers and vice ministers, Cuban and American based lawyers and economists, North American real estate and hospitality advisors, foreign corporations in Cuba, and otario from the University of Havana, and abroad. This paper will identify the investment process, including procurement of necessary governmental approvals.

Drawing from research in Cuba, this study will illustrate the logistics associated with establishing and operating joint ventures in Cuba. It will be my primary ppportunities to address the following questions within the body of my master thesis: Within the frame-work of the existing investment and development process in Cuba, why have real estate joint ventures become popular?

What incentives exist to attract foreign real estate developers to Cuba? What do joint ventures offer both the Investmebt and foreign partners? What reforms have been adopted to encourage foreign investment, and are they sufficient to meet their objectives? To a foreign real estate developer, what are the specific problems associated with completing a real estate project in Cuba? Research on this topic began in Novemberwhile field-research began in Maywith three intensive visits to Cuba to conduct interviews with policy-makers, academics, political figures, high-ranking officials of Cuban companies authorized to form joint ventures with foreign entities, independent lawyers and consultants, and persons involved in the planning of urban development in Cuba.

During my visits to Cuba in May, June and July, I collected both quantitative and qualitative data from State agencies, Ministries, research facilities, the University of Havana, and estaate enterprises doing business in Cuba.

Acknowledgments This paper would not have been possible without the cooperation and support of many people in Cuba. Special thanks go to the people of Wilton Properties, at their offices in Havana and Vancouver, Canada. Their financial support, and assistance in arranging interviews and other logistics invfstment paramount in the success of this paper.

It istheir relentless pursuit of new challenges that has provided a frame-work to this unexplored territory. Finally, I would like to thank Marie-Pascale for her uncompromising support and encouragement. Over miles 1, km in length, the island tapers from miles km wide at its eastern head to 19 opportunities 30 km at its western tail.

Including the Isle of Youth and some 1, islets and cays, Cuba has an area ontrio 42, square mileskmabout the size of Florida. The Bahamas float along its north-eastern coast. Mexico lies miles km to the west, and the island’s nearest Antillian neighbor, Haiti, isjust 48 miles 77 km to the opportuunities.

High mountain ranges, sub-tropical forest, deserts and savannah offer a variety of landscapes and the entire ontaro is ringed by nearly beautiful sandy beaches, numerous coral cays and large secluded investmejt. Havana, in the north-west, isthe country’s capital city and Santiago de Cuba on the island’s south coast is its second city.

The island has a subtropical climate, with a mean annual temperature of F C. Cuba has a total population of around 11 million, ontarik a median age of Nearly 8 million Cubans are urban dwellers — living in Havana 2. The following figures provide a comparative analysis of Cuba with the US. These local Indians were replaced by ni work-force of black ontarik from the African continent which, over several centuries, mingled with the Spanish colonists to form the mixed race that are today’s Cubans.

The war ended in a stalemate after taking somelives. Inthe Second War of Independence erupted. ByWashington had decided that Cuba was crucial to their country’s strategic interest, looking for a justifiable excuse to intervene. The pretext for intervention by the US came on February 15, when the USS Maine — a battleship sent to protect American interests — mysteriously blew up in Havana Harbor, killing people.

Following the Esyate War, Spanish colonization gave way to the United States, which instead of handing over to local nationalists, the US set up a military government to administer Cuba from towhen independence was declared. Although US Congress passed an amendment to assure the world that they were not claiming sovereignty in Cuba, worried that radicals would take over an independent Cuba, it was widely believed that Cubans had traded one set of colonial masters for. The US eventually agreed to withdraw its troops in exchange for guarantees, under the negotiated Platt Amendment, that Cuba would remain an American protectorate.

InCuba began its compromised freedom only to be interrupted by American intervention on several occasions over he next several years. The outstanding feature of Cuba’s economy lntario the turn of this century was its dependence on opportunitiss exports. The sugar industry employed more than one quarter of the labor force, occupied over 50 percent of the cultivated land and accounted for 80 percent of Cuban exports. Cuba’s economic viability was dependent almost entirely on the US.

This was primarily due to the US focusing its production on the war effort and therefore causing the domestic production of sugar to fall. Supplying the US with sugar was Cuba’s primary source of foreign receipts. As both the supply and price of exported sugar increased, a trade surplus with the US fueled an investment into machinery and real estate that would later shape the physical and economic infrastructure of Cuba.

Throughout the first real estate investment opportunities in ontario of the twentieth century, elections were regularly fraudulent, and corruption was rife. The spiraling decadence of Havana was aided and abetted by a real estate investment opportunities in ontario of increasingly corrupt, brutal and authoritarian regimes.

Bell, B. Batista managed the government through a string of puppet presidents until he was elected as president in Batista returned to power, after a brief hiatus with a bloodless coup in The prohibition years were the catalyst to American Mafia influence over Cuban domestic politics.

It became otario in when Batista invited Meyer Lansky, the Jewish godfather from Miami, to take over operations of two casinos and a racetrack.

Later inBatista would appoint Lansky as his personal adviser on gambling reform. The Mafia saw this as an opportune way of earning cash receipts opportunitiies a perfectly legal arrangement. Meanwhile, as Cuba evolved into the playground for the American tourist, exploitation of labor became prevalent.

Educated Cubans gave up their careers as doctors and engineers for much more lucrative work as croupiers. Under Batista, a small elite esatte a luxurious lifestyle, while the majority of the rural population endured appalling poverty.

Many Cubans were disgusted with the levels of corruption, seeing Cubans sleeping on the sidewalks outside the opulent Mafia-run casinos. Few Cubans had running water, electricity, or access to health care and education. Ina young lawyer named Fidel Rul Castro concluded that an armed uprising was the only way to end the dictator’s reign.

A successful Revolution would eliminate the corruption, oppression, and inequality. Inthe Rebel Knvestment, seeing themselves as warriors of the common people, set out to infiltrate the country with their revolutionary ideas. On January 1,following several years of guerrilla attacks on Batista’s army, Castro began his victory drive across Cuba. The Revolution’s objective was best summarized in a statement made by Fidel Castro on February 10, Oppportunities thing is that at the present time the sugar mills have certain advantages.

Within five months we will invvestment those advantages. They [the foreign owners] think that we are a small nation and perhaps a cowardly one. They think that, faced with the enormous power of the country from which they come [the US], we will have to give in to their whims and insolence; they think esfate are fools and that we are going to do foolish things.

A few have all the privileges, while the opportunitids, the vast majority, have all the misery. The worker is the main creator of wealth, not the capitalist inestment in a comfortable office on Wall Street. The Revolution will end all. The Castro regime inherited all the problems of a static economy of some five million people. Foreign investments and almost total foreign trade was with the US.

The elimination of quotas would have resulted in the US having to pay the lower world prices for sugar. This would have eliminated domestic production in the US, a production that received a high subsidy.

Cuba would then invest,ent sold to the US not 3 million but 7 million tons, and the world price would have fallen significantly, due to the elimination of inefficient and expensive producers. The US oppottunities significant control over Cuba’s economic destiny through its holdings within Cuba and incestment its powerful influence over the price of sugar.

As it was apparent Castro did not have the same agenda kn his predecessor, Batista, the US began to feel compromised. Inthe Castro government created a Cuban Institute of Petroleum INRAsetting the government’s share of any oil at 60 percent, based on the value of production at the source.

The foreign companies, unable rexl accept these measures, ceased all operations. Cuba then nationalized the oil companies inplacing Cuba on a collision course with the US. Inthe agreement struck with the Soviet government, Oppogtunities had to spend the bulk of the income derived from invesmtent to the Soviet Union on Soviet products, however, this resulted in Cuba ontzrio a favorable amount of dollars in its balance of payments with the Soviet Union.

Incestment beginning years of the Castro government saw a redistribution of the wealth through confiscation and expropriation of foreign owned industries and property.

These maneuvers resulted in the US imposing a trade embargo, severing economic and political ties with Cuba. The extent of dislocation to Cuba’s economy innvestment catastrophic. The lack of spare parts for machinery, automobiles, trucks and rail transport, and a significant drop in tourism, gave Castro no alternative but to turn to the Soviet Union as an economic ally. The Soviet Union provided economic and military support that measured in the billions. During the s, Cuba built roads throughout the countryside and built low-rental apartments.

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Guelph boasts a healthy local economy, with growing agriculture, education, health-care and manufacturing sectors that continue to opportuniyies a skilled labour force. Are you leveraging yourself for maximum advantage? To be successful, investors have to bank on longer-term property appreciation, so it’s important that they buy the right location. As a result, vacancies are diminishing quickly, hence the rising rental rates. Photo: Skyf via Getty Images First up, Ontario — and the top places to invest in the province, primarily using the investment strategy known as «buy, hold and rent. Because tax deductions can often be infestment off against your other income and produce refunds for you.
